Veno-arterielle Kreislaufunterstützung mit Pulmonalarterienvent bis zur Maturierung des Narbengewebes nach infarktbedingter Ventrikelseptumruptur.
Simons AP, Lancé MD, Ganushchak YM
Kardiotechnik. 2018. Accepted for publication.
Quo vadis? Personal thoughts on non-perfusionists ‘doing’ extracorporeal life support.
Ganushchak YM, Simons AP, Weerwind PW.
Perfusion. Submitted/in progress.
Cerebral and limb tissue oxygenation during peripheral veno-arterial extracorporeal life support.
Vranken NP, Lindelauf AA, Simons AP, Ariës M, Maessen JG, Weerwind PW.
J Int Care Med. 2017 Jan. Accepted for publication.
Blood warming, pump heating and haemolysis in low-flow extracorporeal life support; an in vitro study using freshly donated human blood.
Kusters RW, Simons AP, Lancé MD, Ganushchak YM, Bekers O, Weerwind PW.
Perfusion. 2017 Jan;32(1):27-34.
Impact of distinct oxygenators on pulsatile energy indicators in an adult cardiopulmonary bypass model.
Griep LM, Barneveld van LJ, Simons AP, Boer C, Weerwind PW.
Artif Organs. 2017 Feb;41(2):E15-E25.
Platelet function during hypothermia in experimental mock circulation.
Pouck van S, Stevens K, Kicken C, Simons AP, Marcus MAE, Lancé MD.
Artif Organs. 2016 Mar;40(3):288-93.
Hemodilution combined with hypercapnia impairs cerebral autoregulation during normothermic cardiopulmonary bypass.
Ševerdija EE, Vranken NP, Simons AP, Gommer ED, Heijmans JH, Maessen JG, Weerwind PW.
J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2015 Apr 2. pii: S1053-0770(15)00185-8.
Contemporary oxygenator design relative to hemolysis.
Venema L, Sharma AS, Simons AP Bekers O, Weerwind, PW.
JECT. 2014;46:212-216.
The hidden limitations in "advertising" a novel synchronized cardiac assist device.
Ganushchak YM, Simons AP, Weerwind PW.
Artif Organs. 2015 May;39(5):451-452.
Centrifugal pump performance during low-flow extracorporeal CO2 removal; safety considerations.
Simons AP, Martens EG, Ganushchak YM, Weerwind PW.
Perfusion. 2015 Jan;30(1):17-23.
A volume buffer capacity device dynamically reduces excessive venous line pressure and arterial gaseous embolic load during minimized cardiopulmonary bypass.
Simons AP, Weerwind PW.
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2015 Feb;47(2):391.
Commentary on: Efficacy and safety of strategies to preserve stable extracorporeal life support flow during hypovolemia.
Simons AP.
Perfusion. 2014 Jan;29(1):25.
Efficacy and safety of strategies to preserve stable extracorporeal life support flow during simulated hypovolemia.
Simons AP, Lindelauf AA, Ganushchak YM, Maessen JG, Weerwind PW.
Perfusion. 2014 Jan;29(1):18-24.
Stabilizing extracorporeal life support flow.
Simons AP Lindelauf AAMA, Ganushchak YM, Maessen JG, Weerwind PW.
The Academy Newsletter. Spring 2013;6-7,9.
Hypovolämie während der extrakorporalen Kreislaufunterstützung kann zu Entgasung und arteriellen Mikroblasen führen (Hypovolemia during extracorporeal life support can lead to degassing and arterial gaseous microemboli).
Simons AP, Lancé MD, Ganushchak YM, Weerwind PW, Maessen JG.
Kardiotechnik. 2013;1:3-8.
Re: Lindstrom et al. veno-right ventricular cannulation reduces recirculation in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
Simons AP, Donker DW, Weerwind PW.
Perfusion. 2013 Jul;28(4):368-369.
Hypovolemia in extracorporeal life support can lead to arterial gaseous microemboli.
Simons AP, Ganushchak YM, Teerenstra S, Bergmans DC, Maessen JG, Weerwind PW.
Artif Organs. 2013 Mar;37(3):276-282.
Optimized safety and function of the bicaval dual-lumen cannula by refined positioning and bedside management.
Simons AP, Donker DW, Weerwind PW.
Intensive Care Med. 2013 May;39(5):984-985.
Quantification of recirculation as an adjuvant to transthoracic echocardiography for optimization of dual-lumen extracorporeal life support.
Körver EP, Ganushchak YM, Simons AP, Donker DW, Maessen JG, Weerwind PW.
Intensive Care Med. 2012 May;38(5):906-909.
Can minimized cardiopulmonary bypass systems be safer?
Ganushchak YM, Ševerdija EE, Simons AP, van Garsse L, Weerwind PW.
Perfusion. 2012 May;27(3):176-182.
Microbubble formation during minimized cardiopulmonary bypass.
Simons AP, Weerwind PW.
Artif Organs. 2011 May;35(5):554; author reply 555.
Re: How to perform a haemodialysis using the arterial and venous lines of an extracorporeal life support.
Simons AP, Weerwind PW.
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2011 Jun;39(6):1084-1085.
Evaluation of Quadrox-i adult hollow fiber oxygenator with integrated arterial filter.
Simons AP, Weerwind PW.
J Extra Corpor Technol. 2010 Sep;42(3):242; author reply 243.
Quantitative assessment of cardiac load-responsiveness during extracorporeal life support: case and rationale.
Simons AP, Lancé MD, Reesink KD, van der Veen FH, Weerwind PW, Maessen JG.
J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010 Apr;27(5);30.
Pulse conductance and flow-induced hemolysis during pulsatile cardiopulmonary bypass.
Simons AP, Wortel P, van Kan RA, van der Veen FH, Weerwind PW, Maessen JG.
Artif Organs. 2010 Apr;34(4):289-294.
"Water leakage" in an oxygenator; a suspected unexpected phenomenon.
Simons AP, Groenenberg I, Ganushchak YM, Weerwind PW.
Perfusion. 2010 Mar;25(2):107-8.
Reserve-driven flow control for extracorporeal life support: proof of principle.
Simons AP, Reesink KD, Lancé MD, van der Nagel T, van der Veen FH, Weerwind PW, Maessen JG.
Perfusion. 2010 Jan;25(1):25-29.
Dynamic filling index: a novel parameter to monitor circulatory filling during minimized extracorporeal bypass.
Simons AP, Reesink KD, Lancé MD, van der Veen FH, de Jong DS, Weerwind PW, Maessen JG.
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 Aug;36(2):330-334.
Pumpenflussregelung mit dynamischer Vorlastmessung für die extrakorporale kardio- pulmonale Unterstützung - ein Lösungsansatz? (Pump flow controller using dynamic preload measurement for extracorporeal life support - a method of resolution?).
Simons AP, Lancé MD, Reesink KD, van der Veen FH, Weerwind PW, Maessen JG.
Kardiotechnik. 2010;2:37-41.
June 2008 issue: Jesús Herreros from the University Hospital of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. Letter to the editor.
Simons AP.
Artif Organs. 2008 Dec;32(12):1000-1; author reply 1001-1002.
Laboratory performance testing of venous cannulae during inlet obstruction.
Simons AP, Ganushchak Y, Wortel P, van der Nagel T, van der Veen FH, de Jong DS, Maessen JG.
Artif Organs. 2008 Jul;32(7):566-571.
An in vitro and in vivo study of the detection and reversal of venous collapse during extracorporeal life support.
Simons AP, Reesink KD, Molegraaf GV, van der Nagel T, de Jong MM, Severdija EE, de Jong DS, van der Veen FH, Maessen JG.
Artif Organs. 2007 Feb;31(2):154-159.
Stereo High Speed PIV Measurements behind two different Artificial Heart Valves.
Kaminsky R, Kallweit S, Weber H, Simons AP, Verdonck P.
13th Int Symp on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics Lisbon, Portugal, 26-29 June, 2006.
Centrifugal pump performance for application in low-flow extracorporeal CO2 removal.
Simons AP, Ganushchak YM, Martens EHMJ, Maessen JG, Weerwind PW.
Oral presentation at the 35th Annual Seminar on Cardiovascular Perfusion of the American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion - AACP, held January 23-26, 2014 in Orlando, FL, United States of America.
Efficacy and safety of strategies to preserve stable extracorporeal life support flow during hypovolemia.
Lindelauf AAMA, Simons AP, Ganushchak YM, Maessen JG, Weerwind PW.
Oral presentation at the 34th Annual Seminar on Cardiovascular Perfusion of the American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion - AACP, held January 24-27, 2013 in Los Angeles, CA, United States of America.
Optimizing Dual Lumen Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Life Support.
Simons AP, Ganushchak YM, Körver EPJ, Cornelisse Y, Weerwind PW.
Oral presentation at the 51st Annual International Meeting of the American Society of Extracorporeal Technology, held March 6-9, 2013 in Las Vegas, NV, United States of America. Abstract ID: 121202175917586-34.
Sub-atmospheric venous line pressure leads to degassing and resultant arterial gaseous microemboli; an in vitro study.
Simons AP, Ganushchak YM, Hazel van den R, Weerwind PW, Maessen JG.
Oral presentation at the 33rd Annual Seminar on Cardiovascular Perfusion of the American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion - AACP, held January 23-26, 2012 in New Orleans, LA, United States of America.
Quantification of recirculation for optimizing dual-lumen ECLS.
Simons AP, Körver EPJ, Ganushchak YM, Donker DW, Maessen JG, Weerwind PW.
Oral presentation at the international ‘Extracorporeal Life Support - update and case report 3rd edition’, held November 30, 2012 in Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Can common servo pump control preserve stable blood flow during extracorporeal life support?
Simons AP, Lindelauf AAMA, Ganushchak YM, Maessen JG, Weerwind PW.
Oral presentation at the 3rd New Perspectives In ECMO 2012 international meeting, held October 5, 2012 in Milan, Italy.
To drain or not to drain. Understanding and optimizing venous drainage in extracorporeal life support.
Simons AP.
Invited speaker; guest lecture at the 2011 BelSECT Annual Scientific Meeting, held November 23, 2011 in Brussels, Belgium.
Pulse conductance and hemolysis during cardiopulmonary bypass.
Simons AP, Wortel P, van Kan RAT, van der Veen FH, Weerwind PW, Maessen JG.
Oral presentation at the 31st Annual Seminar on Cardiovascular Perfusion of the American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion, held January 28 - February 31, 2010 in Nashville, TN, United States of America.
Pulse conductance and flow-induced hemolysis during pulsatile cardiopulmonary bypass.
Simons AP, Wortel P, van Kan RAT, van der Veen FH, Weerwind PW, Maessen JG.
Invited speaker; guest lecture at the Scientific Autumn Meeting of the Netherlands Society of Extracorporeal Circulation, held November 28, 2009 in Ermelo, the Netherlands.
Going minimized!! Issues, answers... Salvation?
Simons AP.
Invited speaker; guest lecture at the Scientific Autumn Meeting of the Netherlands Society of Extracorporeal Circulation, held November 28, 2009 in Ermelo, the Netherlands.
Pumpenflussregelung mit dynamischer Vorlastmessung für die extrakorporale kardio- pulmonale Unterstützung - ein Lösungsansatz? (Pump flow controller using dynamic preload measurement for extracorporeal life support - a method of resolution?).
Simons AP, Reesink KD, Lancé MD, van der Nagel T, van der Veen FH, Weerwind PW, Maessen JG.
Oral presentation at the 38th International Meeting on Perfusion of the German Society for Cardiovascular Engineering, held November 6-8, 2009 in Weimar, Germany.
Dynamic filling index: a method to monitor circulatory filling during extracorporeal bypass.
Simons AP, Reesink KD, Lancé MD, van der Nagel T, van der Veen FH, de Jong DS, Weerwind PW, Maessen JG.
Poster presentation at the 13th Annual Update on Cardiopulmonary Bypass, held March 9-14, 2008 in Whistler, BC, Canada.
Dynamic filling index: a novel parameter to monitor circulatory filling during minimized extracorporeal bypass.
Simons AP, Reesink KD, Lancé MD, van der Nagel T, van der Veen FH, de Jong DS, Weerwind PW, Maessen JG.
Oral presentation at the 8th Conference on Perfusion Education and Training, held September 13, 2008 in Lisbon, Portugal.
Monitoren van vullingsgraad bij gebruik van CPB mini-systemen (Monitoring filling status when using CPB minimized systems).
Simons AP, Reesink KD, Lancé MD, van der Veen FH, Weerwind PW, Maessen JG.
Oral presentation at the bi-Annual Meeting of the Netherlands Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery, held May 23, 2008 in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Performance of venous cannulae for proximal cannulation during collapse of the drainage site: an in vitro study.
Simons AP, Ganushchak YM, Wortel P, van der Nagel T, van der Veen FH, de Jong DS, Maessen JG.
Oral presentation at the 12th European Congress on Extracorporeal Circulation Technology, held June 6-9, 2007 in Kiev, Ukraine. Proceedings of the 12th European Congres on Extracorporeal Circulation Technology. ISBN 978-90-8559-534-2
Performance of venous cannulae during inlet obstruction.
Simons AP, Ganushchak YM, Wortel P, van der Nagel T, van der Veen FH, Maessen JG.
Oral presentation at the bi-Annual Meeting of the Netherlands Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery, held April 26-27, 2007 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Detection and reversal of venous collapse during extracorporeal life support.
Simons AP, Reesink KD, Molegraaf GV, van der Nagel T, de Jong, MM, Severdija EE, de Jong DS, van der Veen FH, Maessen JG.
Poster presentation at the 14th Congress of the International Society of Rotary Blood Pumps, held August 31-September 2, 2006 in Leuven, Belgium. Artif Organs. 2006;30:A39.
Development of an Artificial, Transparent and Elastic Silicone Aorta for the Test of Stentless Bioartificial Aortic Valves.
Simons AP, Janz K, Köhler Ch, Kaminsky R, Frey R-W, Weber H-J.
Poster presentation held at the international meeting of the European Society for Artificial Organs, held September 3-6, 2003 in Aachen, Germany. Int J Artif Organs, 26(7), 2003 p.661 (poster 162).
Flow Visualisation by PIV of an Artificial Aortic Heart Valve Fixed into an Elastic Transparent Aorta.
Kaminsky R, Simons AP, Frey R-W, Weber H-J.
Poster presentation held at the international meeting of the European Society for Artificial Organs, held September 3-6, 2003 in Aachen, Germany. Int J Artif Organs, 26(7), 2003 p.670 (poster 194).
Lawrence Scientific Presentation Award.
34th Annual Seminar on Cardiovascular Perfusion of the American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion - AACP, held January 24-27, 2013 in Los Angeles, CA, United States of America.
Best Poster Award.
New Perspectives In ECMO 2012 international meeting, held October 5, 2012 in Milan, Italy.
Lawrence Scientific Presentation Award.
31st Annual Seminar on Cardiovascular Perfusion of the American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion - AACP, held January 28 - February 31, 2010 in Nashville, TN, United States of America.
Most Original Paper Award.
12th European Congress on Extracorporeal Circulation Technology - FECECT, held June 6-9, 2007 in Kiev, Ukraine.
PCT / EP2008 / 000927.
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Überwachung und Optimierung eines durch eine Pumpe bewirkten Kreislaufes.
PCT: 14/216,836.
Method and apparatus for monitoring and optimizing blood circulation generated by a pump.